Our contribution in the improvement of loan processing

Our service starts after the approval of the loan by the lender; the loan is registered in our web platform and, from there, we generate daily interests, monthly payments, late fees, insurance and commissions; we generate statements on paper, via email or SMS; we send friendly payment reminders; we debit checking accounts or referenced payments received from banks or merchant affiliates, and we generate accounting entries for the entire operation.

Our service terminates when the loan term ends, and the loan is liquidated, or when the loan is fully paid in advance.

In Anfexi Processing, we provide the service through a web system with access to the lender and borrowers, dramatically reducing the cost to operate a loan portfolio.

Contact Us


1008 Western Ave

Suite 204

Seattle WA 98104



+1 425 633-0429





You can also use our secure contact form.

Good Faith Advice

As a lender, you should focus on:

  • Design innovative financial products
  • Risk management
  • Collections
  • Customer service


This is the real core business!.


Stop doing what the borrower does not appreciate.