Loan Management with value

In the operation of a lending company, there are activities in which the final customer perceives value added and others that do not.  In this competitive market, the lender should focus its efforts in the activities that add value and that have interaction with the customer, and where there is opportunity to know clients’ needs, where the level of risk of a customer can be verified and where feedback of offered products and services can be obtained.  In few words, where there is a personal contact with the customer.

Our proposal is that the tasks in a loan management that do not generate this value added expected by the customer should be processed by an expert in the field, like our service of Anfexi Processing.

Using this service allows lenders to focus on their core business tasks, as well as in addressing customer’s needs.



What we do

Anfexi Processing provides loan processing and loan management service as well.  We process consumer, personal, mortgage, commercial, automobile, microcredit, leasing, payday, and line-of-credit loans, and others.


Our Services


Contact Us


1008 Western Ave

Suite 204

Seattle WA 98104



+1 425 633-0429




You can also use our secure contact form.

Good Faith Advice

As a lender, you should focus on:

  • Design innovative financial products
  • Risk management
  • Collections
  • Customer service


This is the real core business!.


Stop doing what the borrower does not appreciate.